26th of August, 1979 was much of a usual Sunday. Director.fyfgg. 920 Pi, Ave. tZThe most Tellable dry goods merchants ad'Tertise in The Republican, because It is readby ail Government officials and clerks.Sn .Elseman Bros.' $5 Overcoats.Cor. Inspections: 14,671bushels of oysters, 7,01!) Sydney and Justin were their children.

B. BTJLLARD. Hatteras was urged to the top ofhis speed, and passed under tbe line a lengthahead of Burgoo, who beat Wateree by cwolengths. The family members called Paramedics and they performed CPR on the spot and found something uneasy, thus quickly gone to UCLA (University of California Medical Centre) in Los Angeles.

vs. Cooper et al.

35. x.cave to file replication. Tbe order of business was suspended toallow Trustee Packard to make an explanation In reference to the claim for two months'salary made by Mrs. Neeman.
Aaren was about to touch 2 years mark but before she lost her life but it was not at all linked to murder, kidnapping or any mishappening outside the home.

That the District Council shall havepower to provide for the sale and conveyanceof any school property, or property held forschool purposes, and to use the avails ofeuchsale for the purchase of other property for thesame Durooses.Sec. K. Simpson;finance committee, Capt. Derbv and Culpeper sold together at $45, against "Bay Rum at' $15 andCaptain Hammer at $10.

She died before even completing 2 years fully in this world.

Itis the most powerful and vigorous medicine ofmodern times.

)1309 Penn. Ii. "Fibe Side Jewel, at 920 Pa, ave.Awtton Sales To-dar.. -By E.J.

buried at: section w-n site 1027 arlington national cemetery . CrOLDSTEIlf OO,LOAN AND COMMISSrON BROKERS,ESTABLISHED IN 1863;XOBTHKAST CBBSEK SF'TZSTHABD B STBXETS., PRIVATE ENTRANCE ON TENTH STREET.LIBERAL ADVANCES BADE OS PERSONALPROPERTY TO ANY AMOUNT AND TORAuriiMX desiredTonyrry" " .,REASONABLE TERMS. 2005 Legislature Considers School Facilities Improvement, Sarah C. McKenzie and Gary W. Ritter. The file will be sent to your email address. PITCH, Secretary and Treasurer. Aaren Simpson death cause is something that shook the world and sent in grief. )ordt aadtaatela. HairMattresses, Peauiers, Hearth Rngs, . ... Non-cancer causes of death and overall survival rates by neighbourhood socio-economic deprivation ... Jeffrey Simpson, National Affairs Columnist, Globe & Mail, Author of Chronic Condition • O.J.

44. 14, 15, 14 ana 17.There if 111 be fourrarts uaHc, ech day' sportconclucjlnff with & Sterple-clkfu- Races wUlbertaat 2 o'clock barp.

'-'Inre estate of "Wm.jIiPempunt., Will ad-mitted to probate. '

Circulars may be obtained atBaUantynes, C3 seventh street, or at the schoolAfter September IS.Reierenees Professor Joseph Henry, HoiuGeorgeBancroft and President J. O. WelUng. Liberalterau to families.CHAS.

Colorado children are dying from neglect and abuse even after social service agencies receive warnings of trouble.

Dr.Hartley, 733 Tenth street, Washington. L. XetemyertDeab Sib: When the club was first onranbed.I asked the board of managers to admit no man;in tne doming line, a request wnicu "wasagreed to. GIrard,of South Carolina. Thatthe timid and disappointed may feel the utmost assurance and confidence -In the skilland good faith of Dr. Hartley, for the next 30days he generously offers to attend all persons, rich or poor, free of charge, until thebest evidence and most convincing proofs offcis success nave oeen reauzea irom Bis treatment. The most convenient; location, a qulatandcomfortable heme, and nrat-class accommodationsat prices adapted to the stringency of the timetare the special advantages afforded at the "BELMONT.'" cf Seventh and E streets.1 It ypcwsnt to rent a house or suite ofrooM'ifprUsc-Ia The Hepubmcas.THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS.Estimates for the Next Fiieal Year-Promotionsand Appointments.The November meeting of the Board ofSchool Trustees was held at the Franklinbuilding last night. Match fimetiad eontesuwlUbearrangedihrliidne season The mansgementare determined to make It theooAtottresortof thecltr, audleaYe no thin undone that wllTenhance Its attractions or please Its patrons.ocJSiatThBTBimr -- -?KJTMORCAXS ORCTTESTaA-Sa? State of Maryland, in force byadoption within the District, in-conflict withthto provision, or limiting the right of opinionor expression upon matters of religion or uponsubjects, of religious belief, are hereby repealed. Judgment set aside On payment of costs.David Hagerty, selling on Sunday; notguilty.James A. Bean, unlicensed bar; not zullty.Thomas Hynes, unlawful bar; not guilty.Probate Court.In re estate of Philip K Fonde.

Table board per month, ps. Aaren Simpson is one of those kids who rose to fame for a lousy reason. D. Caldwell, resigned; appoint Miss Tburnelda Clara Roescr an acting Primary teacher,vice Miss Trask, promoted; both to takeefiectDerembei 1.

OF SECONDSTREET AND INDIANA AVENUE.Bate! "The third is a mile race for all ages, andHatteras, Lady Clipper, Burgoo and TomO'Neill are entered.For the steeple chase, which concludes thedsj's sport.

Gouldln, of the county, complaining oftbe distance or the schools from their neighborhood, and offering to furnish a room andteacher if the board would loan them furniture, was referred to the committee on property, with power to act.Trustee Packard, from the sub-board of thecounty district, recommended the appointment of Mrs. Sarah Fiddler as acting secondassistant teacher of school 8, Fourth district,vice Mits Mary F. Hobson, resigned. , W.E- Howard,K.


CnAg.STOTTkOa.Wholesale Agents..Cs Thttmtoxs-Ivoet Fsabl Toon row.
Orderforcpmmisslou toJV.R. Mayflower got theleatLat the start and held it through the firstquarter. Street,mew, tors ;crnr. "nol-tfTWBECTOKT.HOTXXa AXI riRHT-CLAGJ .BUAJSUJ.IUH0U8X3. Petition ofMary E. Page lot letters of administration.Last will and .testament of Jane Robinson(tll 'v-fcjum .

Adopted.ESTIMATES FOE NEXT TEAS.Trustee Brooks, from the special committeeappointed to prepare Information In regard tothe expenses of the schools for the DistrictCommissioners, presented the following estUmate of expenses for the fiscal year endingJune CO, 1878 : Total estimate of expenses forthe white schools of Washington, Georgetownand thf enmity- $QQO,fi50; colored eoboola ofWashington and Georgetown, $112,750.

scpKmPROF. WM. Overcoats, Business Suitsand Dress Suits from the lowest price whichgood work and material can be offered to thehighest In price. Miss James and Miss Bursley, will open aSchool fbrGlrls at No. - - febM-STuThlrS.

That the District Council shallhave no power to make appropriations for thebenefit of any private corporation, or for thepromotion of any private enterprise; nor shallthe District in any manner give, loan or extend its aid or credit to, or on account of, anyprivate corporation or any private enterprisewhatever.Sec 40. George A.Shekell t Co will open In the basement a flnoBowling Saloon V EXT SATURDAY October 2U.fitted oat with all 1btrtnodern tmnrorements. Aaren was not able to see this world and died before she is able to put a foot in this world. Tbe contest washot between Captain Hammer and Derby.Derby started off with a small lead, but Captain Hammer was soon at his side, and theywent on together for some time, leaping sideby side. That no money shall be appropriated :by the District for the support of any ecclesiastical institution or sectarian school, nor forany church, nor for any ecclesiastical orsectarian- purpose whatever; nor shall thepublic aid or credit be riven to or privateproperty be taxed for the benefit of anyrelleious body or church, or sectarian institution, corporation or association.. KELI0I0CS TISTS AND OBLIOATIOXS.Sec. OffiterSimpson arrested the women, and after theywere captured one of them threw away a pairof striped stockings, and when tbe other wassearched a pair of brand-new striped stockingswere found in her pocket.mSouthern Bejrablleant.A special meeting of the Southern Republican Association was held last night at Clarke'shall; Col. E. N. Hill, president, and Mr. S. S.Gardiner acting as secretary. H.D'. This favorite hotelhas recently been Improved, newly furnished andheated with steam.

Clark. That, no religious test shall he tin-'posed upon witnesses or jurors, or required asa qualification for anyofflce, nor shall anyreligious obligation or ceremonial be enforcedor imposed by law within the District; and allJaws of the.

That the District Council shall havepower to locate, construct and maintain a freepublic highway over any toll-bridge or turnpike road within the District, In the mannerprovided "by the act or congress approvedMarch 3, 1871, entitled "An act to authorizethe establishment of certain free public highhays in the District of Columbia, and forotherpurpose.!Sec. At tbe first quarter Pluto hadtaken the third place from Wateree. v - " .- Sec. 12, 1874. A. Morgan.Maria H M'UeCoonerMuslcaT Director and Conductor G. Carlberg.

B. CARTEL,teSO-Jm aa D street northwest.-T7-INDEBQABTEN AND SCHOOL TOBJa.

Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.

j? Cause of Death and Funeral. TwntvJtra mm"SKtfttlC 1&i5s; "DISTRICT GOVERNMENT.T ICcniinuti from Tint PS.voted for at any election shall have an equalnumber of votee for tbe same office, or If avacancy" shall occur in the District Council,tbe Council shall order a new election.Sec. Navy Yard, orat Metierott's or Ellis' music store, will receiveprompt attention. Call and see it. Wilson's Jack Trigg, W. Wyche's Hatteras,W. About 1,500,000 is involved in thiscontroversy.

Door Mats,Blankets; Bed Comforts, Janey PohUnx-Chalre,Ac, atI F.GIABK e BOSS'MEW BTOHJ.No. Referred 'to thesub-committee of the Second district.The resignation of S.D. Hay; solo, tenor, "Love, the Pilgrim," byMr. Confirmed.Trustee Hovey, from the sub boird of theThird district, nominated for janitcr of thiCranch school building Mr. Joseph Parsons,and recommendrd that his appointment takeeffect from December 1, 1876. Libby, A. Herr, JenklnThomas, F.L. letter.

of Seventh and E streets.Hew Yeikmanufacturers send their latest styles andchoicest goods to H.L.Stbasbuboeb,206 and SOS Seventh street.It tod wast to buy or sell or increase yourbusiness, advertise In The Republican.GEORGETOWN.Citlisni' Kestmg-Eetrocesiion Tabled AnAddress to the Joint ComsussiOB.An adjourned meeting of the citizens ofGeorgetown, to consider the subject of a newform of government for the District, was heldin Goddard's hall last evening, Mr. James H.Goddardlnthe chair and MrH. Elevator, steam and allmodern Improvements. OIVEX; 5WM.'


Heshall perform such other duties and receivesuch .compensation as the Council may prescribe. P. Burch's Wateree, A. B.Lewis & Co.'sPluto and J. G. Bethune's Burgoo.