(Kanaeokana), Natalie Ai Kamauu for 21°N 158°W. His musical journey began in 1984 when he competed with his two Tongan brothers in Brown Bags to Stardom. Previous to Kalena's current city of Kaneohe, HI, Kalena Delima lived in Ewa Beach HI and Kapolei HI. Leolani “Lilo” DeLima has been with the group Kapena since 2009.
Kapena De Lima) performing Billy's Joel's \"Piano Man\" on Heineken Hot Hawaiian Nights, at The Barefoot Bar, Hale Koa Hotel, August 22, 2014.Hawaiian Music Artist Kapena Featuring the Electrifying Kelly Boy De Lima on Ukulele. Kapena continues to be an institution that embraces what islanders fell in love with when fans first heard the unique sound of their “electrifying” Kapena music. Kelly Boy’s three children have gained success of their own, writing new original music and being nominated and winning multiple Na Hoku Hanohano awards. Kapena continues to be an institution that embraces what islanders fell in love with when they first heard their unique sound of their \"feel good music\". Started by Kelly “Kelly Boy” De Lima and Timo and Tiva Tatofi in 1985, the group’s harmonic vocals and Jawaiian (Jamaican-Hawaiian) jams rocketed them to stardom. Summary: Kalena Delima was born on 10/01/1991 and is 28 years old. In the early 2000’s, Kelly Boy introduced Hawaii to the next generation of Kapena, his three children—Kapena, Kalena and Lilo. #mn_videoad video Congratulations to the nominees, and winners in the following categories: var vastadloaded = 0;
He began as the group’s keyboardist at only 11 years old and is now the drummer and musical director. Watch Kapena's full episode on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdPXM3kciNXndOEE65fBjBJWcjqoSoTD2 Love watching HI*Sessions? Although the band has been through some changes, its founding member, Kelly Boy De Lima is still the band leader. } Cast Your Cares - Duration: 2 minutes, 48 seconds. My dad, Rudolph “Duffy” DeLima, named the band Kapena. Although the band has been through some changes, its founding member, Kelly Boy De Lima is still the band leader. The album titled “Palena Ole” won the group four awards at the prestigious Na Hoku Hanohano Awards in May 2018 including Album Of The Year and Group Of The Year. Kelly Boy DeLima is the founder and leader of the group, Kapena. The 43rd Nā Hōkū Hanohano Awards will rebroadcast on Thursday, Oct. 15 from 7 to 10 p.m. on K5 and again on Saturday, Oct. 17 from 7 to 10 p.m. on KGMB. Kapena is on Facebook. In 2009, Kapena graduated from Ex’pression College for Digital Arts in Emeryville, California with a Bachelor’s of Science in Audio Engineering. Read Full Summary
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