Lithuania Slovenia Peru Morocco This will vary across departments, particularly if your programme includes laboratory/practical/studio/workshop sessions. Egypt Further information can also be obtained from the UCL Student Support & Wellbeing team.
Peru Taiwan Honduras
You will be updated with more specific details as they are available and your timetable will indicate which sessions will be on campus and which will be available online. There are currently no graduate taught events available relevant to this programme. Cyprus (Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities) Kuwait Tanzania
We have included these updates below: Finland Iceland We will keep you up-to-date with our plans throughout term one, so you have the information you need to be able to take decisions that are right for your circumstances.
Mexico Japan Sierra Leone UCL's networks provide access to London's thriving entrepreneurship scene, a possible founding team and investor finance for a new business.
Germany Switzerland Details of the accessibility of UCL buildings can be obtained from AccessAble. Italy
Brazil Those applying for scholarship funding (particularly overseas applicants) should take note of application deadlines.
Thank you, your report has been submitted. For more information on additional costs for prospective students please go to our estimated cost of essential expenditure at. Croatia Cameroon Singapore
If it becomes necessary to make further changes to your programme as a result of new guidance/regulations, UCL and your department will communicate these as soon as this becomes clear. UCL's networks provide access to London's thriving entrepreneurship scene, a possible founding team and investor finance for a new business. Panama Montenegro Pakistan Uganda start new discussion reply. UCL's networks provide access to London's thriving entrepreneurship scene, a possible founding team and investor finance for a new... If the data does not look right, click the "Report" button located near the top of the page. Kazakhstan Poland The 2021 rankings from the Complete University Guide place UCL School of Management 4th in the UK for Business and Management Studies. Zambia The English language level for this programme is: Good. Kazakhstan Croatia The acceptance rate, or offer rate, represents the fraction of applicants who received an offer.
Macedonia Unless otherwise noted, the data presented comes from the universities and is generally reliable. International applicants can find out the equivalent qualification for their country by selecting from the list below. Hong Kong Latvia
The Entrepreneurship MSc is designed for students who intend to start and run high-impact, innovative businesses. Philippines Trinidad & Tobago Thailand Costa Rica Managing the Growing Firm (MSIN0069) is not currently available. Nepal In assessing your application, we also require you to clearly demonstrate why you want to study Entrepreneurship at UCL and how you hope to develop your future career as an entrepreneur with reference to the core modules we offer. The tuition fees shown are for the year indicated above. Communicating further Covid-19 mitigation plans, Zimbabwe. Bulgaria Note on fees: Armenia Belarus Georgia
Further information can be found on our English language requirements page. Students are given the opportunity to attend weekly lectures given by leading global entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Nigeria Cuba Georgia
Applications for 2021/22 entry will open later in the year.
Israel Austria
If you have any questions or would like to receive a follow-up, please send an email to [email protected]. Lesotho UCL is regulated by the Office for Students. Macedonia
France Guyana Ukraine Students undertake modules to the value of 180 credits. Liberia South Africa Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Branding, Strategic Management of Entrepreneurial Ventures, Register interest in your chosen subjects, Receive notice of graduate open days, events and more, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT Tel: +44 (0) 20 7679 2000. Students learn about finance/funding, marketing, team building and all the key issues facing rapidly scaling enterprises.
Students choose one of the following modules: All students undertake a dissertaion research project of 10,000 to 15,000 words in length. Kenya Spain Gambia Mauritius Mauritius UCL's networks provide access to London's thriving entrepreneurship scene, a possible founding team and investor finance for a new business. Additionally, in the 2019 Post Graduate Taught Experience Survey, MSc Entrepreneurship achieved a 94% Overall Student Satisfaction score (92% in 2018). Bosnia and Herzegovina Belgium Taiwan Uzbekistan Select your country: Romania Belgium The full list of modules will be available in the. Venezuela Norway UCL is regulated by the Office for Students. Cambodia Students learn the necessary skills to build and scale a successful business. Select your country: Due to COVID-19, there may be updates to the modules for your chosen programme of study this year. Students learn the necessary skills to build and scale a successful business. Guyana Algeria
Moldova Jamaica
Cameroon Scholarships relevant to this department are displayed below. Germany