An archaeologist showing Peter Sommer Travels' guests a freshly-excavated Roman shoe during a tour of Vindolanda. Auxiliary troops? Even before they had been translated, the find caused great excitement amongst archaeologists and historians alike.
General gossip. Les tablettes écrites à l'encre sont très rares dans la partie latine de l'Empire romain et les tablettes Albertini, qui sont beaucoup plus tardives, étant datées du Ve siècle[5]. Afterwards, the tablet was scored in the middle and folded, so that the text was on the inside of the fold, after which the tablet was tied shut and probably sealed with wax. (For convenience: a Roman modius is a measure of volume, about 8.7 litres or 1.9 gallons and a sextarius is 0.55l or 20 fl. C’est le général Gnaeus Julius Agricola qui entreprit de mettre au pas les tribus récalcitrantes des hautes terres d’Ecosse. All appear to date between AD 80 and 130. Avant que les empereurs Hadrien en 120, puis Antonin le Pieux, 20 ans plus tard, ne parviennent à faire ériger deux murs monumentaux au nord de l’Angleterre… il avait déjà fallu que Rome conquière la grande île!
Then were then sealed using wax around the edges. Images, texts, and translations of some of the Vindolanda Tablets can be found at the Vindolanda Tablets Online. Le fait d'avoir des tablettes conçues pour être écrites à l'encre est une nouveauté technologique, dont l'origine est probablement antérieure[3]. “For the past 13 years, Dr Andrew Birley has supervised investigations at Vindalanda Fort, one of 16 heavily defended garrisons that ran the length of Handrian’s Wall. Certains des noms cités dans les textes avaient déjà été identifiés sur de précédents fragments. Considérés comme un trésor national, ils rejoindront ensuite les 2 000 autres fragments conservés au British Museum de Londres depuis les premières découvertes effectuées en 1973 par Robin Birley, le père de l’actuel directeur du site.
"I want you to know I am in very good health, as I hope you are in turn, you neglectful man, who have sent me not even one letter.". That means I “Among the most sought after products was garum.”. You can also see a selection of them in the British Museum, London. We know a great deal about Hadrian's wall due to the Vindolanda tablets. Topics covered on the tablets include letters to friends and families ("a friend sent me 50 oysters from Cordonovi, I'm sending you half" and "So that you may know that I am in good most irreligious fellow who hasn't even sent me a single letter"); applications for leave ("I ask you, Lord Cerialis, that you hold me worthy for you to grant me leave"); official correspondence; "strength reports" listing the number of men present, absent or ill; inventories; supply orders; travel expense account details ("2 wagon axles, 3.5 denarii; wine-lees, 0.25 denarii"); and recipes.